Our Leadership Team

Premium Bells

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Prior to joining the industry of trading and network marketing I was working in events part time whilst playing football. After playing in the states on a scholarship for one year I came back to the UK for a break and got introduced to the industry of Network Marketing through a team mate and now business partner Hugo. 

I got in right away and fell in love with the concept of earning residual income from home. I did it part time for three years before getting introduced to the industry of trading and network marketing combined where I finally went full time.

My journey in the industry has been an uphill challenge. In 2020 I got sentenced to 15 months in prison for something I did in 2017. By 2021 I made my first 6 figure income. By 2023 I made multiple 6 figures and retired my mum. 2024 will be my first 7 figure year.

My goal is to develop 100 millionaires within our organisation by December 2025.


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Prior to EAconomy I was focusing on my Education company and charity to improve the lives of young people. I joined EAconomy through my good friend Premium Bells. We had previously been in Crypto projects but the industry had become too turbulent. We had also been with a similar company to EAconomy a few years back. However, EAconomy seemed to have taken the concept of trading and networking to a whole new level. After a private meeting with the EAconomy CEO, I was very impressed with the vision of the company and decided to launch my business.

What I love most about the journey is being able to impact people with extra income into their household. It reminds me of 5 years ago when I was living paycheque to paycheque as a school teacher and discovered online trading/Home business.

My goals for 2024 are:

1) To create 100 six figure traders in my organisation.

2) To have 10 Icons in my organisation.

3) To build more schools in developing countries.


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Before joining this amazing industry and company, I was playing semi pro football and working in different retail stores. I was unfulfilled and needed to find something that I could work towards over a long term basis that gave me a vision. I came across a friend of mine at a previous job who told me about the opportunity, I’ve never been someone to not try new things so I took the step. I’ve now been in this industry for 4 years, and I can honestly say it’s changed my life completely. 

What I love most about the journey is the freedom. I hated being stuck and tied to someone else’s rules. I’m able to travel the world, make money online and do everything through my terms, while getting the satisfaction of helping others achieve there goals aswell. 

My goals for 2024 are to create 10 brand new six figure earners in my organisation through trading and network marketing.

Hugo De Jesus

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As for myself, prior to joining EACONOMY i was an educator for another trading platform based in the US as trading along side networking has been my passion and fortes.

I partnered up with EACONOMY along side my brother and right hand  Premium bells as we’ve been going back to back for 9 years, After personall meeting the founder & CEO, and he was able to relay and paint the vision with clarity and understanding, we both decided to lock into this opportunity as it provided all the tools and ticked all the boxes for both present and future of our careers but above all, it had everything to bring brand new faith to the people and our community.

What i thoroughly love about this journey is being able to genuinely give back and serve and supply hope to individuals who feel as if they are lost but just have never had to opportunity to express their best self and live up to their inner potential and through EACONOMY we can make it happen👌🏽

My goals for 2024 :

1) To create 100 6 figure traders

2) To promote 50 ICONS in my organisation

3) To Be apart of the Million Dollar hall of fame

Sekinat Ganiyu

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Just a small girl from a small town in Lagos who wants more out of life. I was in my final year in school and also a fashion designer before this incredible opportunity. I had just lost my dad and needed an extra stream of income to support my family and also get through school as the profits from my fashion business wasn’t enough. I have always been a goal getter who would always find holes in every business opportunity and then I came across a lady on Instagram who introduced me to this opportunity. I took the risk just like the risk taker that I am and Alhamdullilah I’ve been in this for 2 years now. I can proudly say this is one of the best decisions of my life because it has change my whole life completely.

The impact, freedom, helping others do what I do to get paid, retiring my mom, travelling the world, constantly getting myself everything I want and basically living life based on my own terms is what I love most about this opportunity.

2024 is the year that I create most impact and generate the most wealth. Atleast 10 brand new 6 figure earners in my organization by December 31st 2024 is done ✅

Ryan Chenigle

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Prior to this wonderful opportunity I bounced around. Dropped out of Uni not once but twice. Bounced around, factory to factory, warehouse to warehouse ,you get the gist . Until I found this industry.

I knew this was the vehicle out but unfortunately my journey was very bumpy due to no mentorship. Some success & plenty of failures so i took a break until i found Eaconomy.

The rest is history, and now I help ppl create their success story .

Jason Agbodza

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I have been in the trading and networking industry for 6 years. Prior to this I worked for some of the largest investment banks such as JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs within Relationship Management.

Trading and Networking has given me the time and financial freedom I’ve always dreamed of having and I am truly grateful for this space.

I work to honour the legacy of my mother, provide the best possible future for my daughter and to positively impact as many lives as possible with success principles and a financial vehicle that enables people to fulfil their goals.

Shannon Hughes

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Before entering this industry I was your average secondary school English teacher in London. I worked long hours, lived for the weekends and found myself wishing my days away til school holidays.

In January of 2021 I was introduced to my first trading and networking company by our very own Premium Bells, and have been privileged to be mentored by him ever since. The journey wasn’t smooth sailing – I hit my first 6 figures within a year but then lost it all due to unreliable ownership.

With Eaconomy we have finally found a home. A place where our teams can grow and thrive, and we can impact lives like we always set out to do.

My goal is to help 25 individuals become 6 figure earners by December 31st 2025 – and it’s completely done!